
Hypnotherapy in psychoanalysis

Soulstorage Feb 26 2016
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Our soul mainly stores information in pictures. During hypnotherapy some of these pictures are replaced with other ones.


This process means the core of the therapy. For example if a patient is suffering from hypertension, the information that is accountable for these symptoms has to be exchanged through suggestion to another one that results lower blood pressure. This is the so-called programming process.

astral body awakeBut if we dig a little deeper with our exploration concerning the causes and effects, it can turn out that the mentioned hypertension is only a subordinate symptom of the real issue. The root of the exact problem can only be uncovered step by step, since it can reach back to several past lives.

Remember the fact that we actually haven’t forgotten anything and all information is stored in our subconscious. The oblivion we experience in our conscious state depends usually on two things. Firstly, on the quality of relationship between soul and body, and secondly, on the processing mechanism developed between the surface and the subconscious of the soul. The surface of the soul contains all the information of our current life perceived by the soul in the physical body. This will be erased by the veil of Tiphareth when being reborn (whilst we’re moving into a physical body). Depending on the quality of this deletion we might be able to consciously remember of our past lives at an early age. Because of the adults however children tend to forget all this very easily, since in the opinion of most parents all this information is fictive. In some of the countries it is even considered as misfortunate when a child talks about these things. Can it be that the parents are simply unknowing?

By Soul storage

Read 1784 times Last modified on Feb 26 2016
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